Please acknowledge that you understand that this comparison tool does not compare ALL products in the market and only a selection of the lenders and products available within our vast panel of lenders and products (Over 25 lenders and hundreds of products). Comparing your Home Loan is not as simple as purely Interest Rates therefore this tool can compare only a simple aspect of a portion of the market. For this reason, we encourage you to talk to us for a No Cost Discussion about how to save money and repay your Home Loan sooner. Lending criteria and your eligibility to borrow will vary from lender to lender and our team can assist you to review your options.
The tool will compare a selection of products and cannot be relied upon as advice or an offer of credit. Should you progress through the tool to view some of these lenders and products side by side, it is important to remember these estimates cannot take into consideration all product features and fees and that these are accurate at the time of posting and are subject to change without notice. Other offers such as Cash-Back campaigns or Fee Waivers are not included in this tool comparisons though may be available subject to lender terms and conditions. Importantly, the owner of the website using this tool may receive commission or referral fees should you utilise our services. This does not change your interest rate nor add any additional fees to your loan – this is a value add service that is offered to you at no additional charge. Ask your Home Loan Team broker for more information on how we earn income and still act in your best interests. Dynasty Financial PTY LTD Trading as Home Loan Team hold Australian Credit Licence 489421. Note Comparison Rates are based on a Home Loan of $150,000 for a 25 year term and may not include all fees and charges applicable. Different terms, loan amounts, fees or charges may result in a different comparison rate