Loan Repayment Comparison Tool
Compare what a better rate could mean for your Loan Repayment.
How to use the Home Loan Team Repayment Calculator
Select Your Loan Amount
Choose the loan size you are looking to compare repayments on. You can compare your existing loan, advertised loans and our Lowest Available.
Choose Your Scenarios
Compare and name up to 4 variations of Interest Rate, Repayment Frequency and Loan Terms to view a breakdown of your selected scenarios.
Compare Your Results
Compare your scenario results and have them sent to your email for further review.
Loan Repayment Comparison
- Total Interest Over Term $288,321
- Repayment $2,189.78 Weekly
- Total Interest Over Term $182,546
- Repayment $1,895.96 Weekly
The OUR LOWEST could save approximately $3,526 in repayments over a year against YOUR LOAN.